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What Is Erectile Dysfunction

Erectile dysfunction is the inability to get & hold an erection firm enough for sex.

it can become a cause of stress, may be affected your self-confidence, even contribute to your relationship problems. Erectile dysfunction also a sign of underlying health. Even it’s a risk factor for heart disease. 

If you are concerned about erectile dysfunction then we are here to help you, sometimes we are embarrassed to talk with anyone about erectile dysfunctions but it is a common disease, which finds in younger and mostly older men.

Causes of erectile dysfunction

Erection dysfunction is caused by some physical & common reasons 

1. Heart diseases: - if you have any heart disease then you might be faced of erection dysfunction because it is a common reason for erectile dysfunction.

2. High cholesterol: - high amounts of cholesterol in the blood might stop your blood flow, it may increase the risk of a heart attack.

3. Diabetes: - if you are suffering from diabetes then it can become the biggest risk of infections, so start taking control of your blood sugar.

4. High blood pressure: - it can become a cause of health conditions, as like heart disease & stroke.

5. Obesity: - it means body fat, and body fat increase the risk of serious health becomes a cause of pain in the back of joints,

If you are suffering from this kind of problem so these causes even become a reason for erection dysfunction. If you want to come out of erectile dysfunction, then there are some foods & herbs which you can eat. If you have erectile dysfunction so you may be facing some complications like; an unsatisfactory life, stress, embarrassment of low self-esteem, relationship problems, inability to get your partner pregnant.


Some useful home remedies.

1. Cocoa: - consume cocoa because cocoa has high in flavonoids it may help you to reduce the risk of erectile dysfunctions, there are many types of flavonoids available in the market like, dark chocolate, fruits, and vegetables nuts & grains which you also can consume. It may help you to increase your blood flow in the penis.

2. Pistachios: - it is a tasty nut it may help you to increase your erectile function, cholesterol levels, blood flow, in pistachios contains some proteins, it is a wonderful choice for those people who are suffering from erectile dysfunctions.  

3. Watermelon: - it is a very tasty fruit, which has many health benefits, it may become a very useful treatment option. Watermelon helps you to relax blood vessels & improve blood flow. even it’s a very beneficial fruit for those who want to come out from erectile dysfunction if you finding a standard treatment for erectile dysfunction it’s an option that works well.  

4. Coffee: - those men who have erectile issues and want to come out of this disease so coffee is a very right option for them, erectile dysfunction occurs in those men who consumed less coffee quantity. It gives you a protective effect.

Ignore these types of bad habits

if you want that your erectile problems root out soon, then some bad habits you should ignore like alcohol, tobacco, drugs. If you eat & drink these things, then stop them first after that you are able to achieve your target. men who are addict to alcohol are at a higher risk even smoking is too risky for you.


Follow these all instructions and make your sexual life happy ignore that all the bad things which we told you. Stay positive with your partner remove your stress level and surely you will come out of erectile dysfunction soon.

These all foods and herbs are safe and useful for you if you having these foods & herbs then so can it without any doubt, even you can talk with the doctor, but if you are not comfortable to talk with a doctor face to face then here are some online doctors help you to solve your problem.

For more information click here:- Ayurvedic medicine for erectile dysfunction that really works


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